das Alois 4*S in Tux

Once upon a time ... "das Alois"


A valley like ours shapes you throughout your life. Well-protected and yet relatively secluded, “all is still right with the world” here. Customs and traditions are still present, along with the passion for festivities and celebration. In 1957, a dashing young man, who cannot or will not deny his resemblance to Luis Trenker, met an even more dashing lady from the Zillertal – and the rest is history!

We are family!

As it happened, Alois Kreidl took over the bowling alley in Lanersbach together with his beloved Elsa in 1966. Both had (as quoted by Alois) “no idea about anything”. But a purchase is a purchase, the sleeves were rolled up, “no idea” became “we can do it” and nothing stood in the way of a successful start. Elsa, with no culinary training or experience, was full of energy and taught herself everything, serving tasty appetisers and “cooked her own soup”… Alois had always been passionate about the guests and locals. What a great combination! Elsa and Alois turned the bowling alley into the meeting place for socialising in Lanersbach. If you say A you have to say B: so they decided without further ado to turn the bowling alley into a hotel. The success story continued and in 1988 the sons Norbert and Helmut ensured that a real family business was created. Helmut took care of the guests as hotel manager, Norbert as chef. There was modernisation, philosophising, reflection and the family grew.

Make your Vision work!

As we know, standing still is as good as taking a step backwards, and that doesn’t belong here! That is why we have decided together as a family to take another step towards the future. For us, this means that the Vital Central is now – as a tribute to our dear dad, uncle, grandpa, visionary, host, singer, musician, ski instructor, shoemaker, entrepreneur, pioneer, role model and confidant – “das Alois”. And because we wanted to give it even more power, the claim “Originally mine” adorns our logo. Behind all this are many people, original Tyrolean’s, who make “das Alois” what it is, with heart and soul and passion:

A really cosy hotel, uncomplicated and unconventional, where everyone can be who they are, where happiness, pleasure and relaxation thrive. Leave your tie at home, naturally your worries as well, and look forward to a friendly, relaxed atmosphere in “das Alois”!

An exceptionally good time is promised for you by the whole
A-Team around Alois Kreidl!

It's a family business!




It’s 2022, and Alois goes from table to table every evening, greets the guests always has a joke to tell, has an open ear for everyone and looks after the guests personally and with heart and soul. Almost 90 years old but not quietening down, that’s Alois. He tells of the ceiling decorations in the hotel, which were carved by his sister-in-law in the days of the bowling alley which was considered a “bad weather facility” and of the fact that he was happily married to his Elsa for 59 years, who gave him three children: Helmut, Norbert and Julia.

Alois remains a passionate singer, loves socialising, and is, to the joy of his family, still part of every bit of fun and excursions. It is clear to see, Alois is a happy man, and he says so himself:

„My life is like a happy film, I am thankful for every day."



Julia has inherited a zest for life and positive charisma from her father Alois. Julia has been at "das Alois" since 2017 and since then no stone has been left unturned. With sensitivity and creativity, she has helped shape "das Alois" to its current beautiful and stylish ambience. Never fear: she is far from finished.

For the “boys” at "das Alois" (Benjamin, Lisa and Maxi), she is the driving force and motivator, encouraging them to try new things and believe in themselves. In her private life, Julia likes to be on the golf course, hiking, biking, going ski touring, looking for stylish accessories and inspiring family and guests alike with her joie de vivre:

„Both good and bad –life has so many beautiful sides."




At one time it was the last thing Norbert wanted. But as the saying goes, good things take time. So, after gaining experience in other businesses, he set sail for “das Alois” in 1988. Norbert learned a lot from his mum Elsa. She was, so to speak, the living cookbook. Whether it was Zillertoler Kropfen or Kaiserschmarrn or many other dishes, Elsa was the best teacher!

In the kitchen there have been no limits for years. Traditional dishes are presented in a new and modern way, vegetarian and vegan cuisine are very important to Norbert and his chef Andi. This is one of the aces up our sleeves. Because no matter what wishes, preferences or even allergies our guests may have, they are not a problem for Norbert and the kitchen team. In his private life, Norbert likes to spend his time on the golf course, hiking or skiing. The work-life balance is very important to him, he says, because when you are always in the kitchen, you need to let off steam now and again. The fresh mountain air helps. His motto is thought-provoking:

„Eating should take time, just like cooking.“




Not only the calming influence of our family, but also the manager of our hotel for many years. Helmut is an extremely sociable person. By his side you not only explore the most beautiful spots in our piece of paradise, but also accompanied by a touch of humour and refreshment stops along the way. No matter what season it is, Helmut has the perfect programme ready for every weather and every guest. Just as he is either hiking or biking through the foothills of the Tuxer mountains in summer, he is also the in-house ski guide in winter.

Contact and more importantly communication with the guests is very important to Helmut. He doesn’t need asking twice to go for a post activity beer. Where better to enjoy it than in our cosy hotel bar.

In his private life, Helmut also enjoys sports, where his love of nature comes through. Helmut also has a clear role in our gang and with his calmness he oils our engines allowing them to run smoothly.

„Life is a piece of music, and we provide the notes.“

The next generation!




Numbers, maths, formulas … what brings some people out in a sweat just thinking about it, is Benjamin’s passion. Benjamin is Helmut’s son. He is responsible for the accounts, and financial management and supports the reception team. Benjamim also loves the contrast of nature and enjoys being out with the guests on hikes or bike tours. Privately as well as professionally he helps wherever needed. He can be waiting on tables in the morning, in the office at lunchtime and then on a hike. That is exactly what Benjamin enjoys. In his private life he enjoys playing tennis, hiking or skiing. Benjamin doesn’t like prejudices and enjoys life to the full. What makes him special?

„He accepts everyone as they are.“



From the reception to waiting tables, wine recommendations or after dinner drinks at the bar if our Maxi isn’t around. Our flexible Lisa supports the family gang in all areas and shares the passion for hospitality. Culinary delights are also very important to Lisa, because “what could be better than a good meal and a good wine”?

As a sociable person, she enjoys spending time with friends outside of work. Skiing, mountain climbing and biking are among her sporting hobbies, which she also shares with her friends & family. So the gang is complete and everyone is delighted that Lisa’s path has also led to us at “das Alois”.

„Where we embrace simplicity, values emerge."



Our Maxi is the expert when it comes to the pleasure of drinking. From the aperitif to the best wine to accompany our daily indulgence menu, to the digestif and the following hours spent at the bar. With our bar manager and head waiter, each and every one of our guests feels understood and 100% at ease. Hospitality has been with him since the cradle, and has never stopped Maxi from finding his way in hospitality.

With his easy-going and open personality he loves making new contacts, is constantly educating himself and trying out new things. Whether it’s culinary arts, fine wines or new cocktails.

Outside of work “Kraxl-Maxl” is part of a very sporty society. From climbing, hiking, mountain walking, mountain biking, or swimming in summer, there is almost nothing that he doesn’t do. In winter, you can almost always find him on the slopes or on his touring skis. This is a small but worthwhile compensation for Maxi.

„Those who only do what they can, will always remain as they are.“


Welcome to "das Alois"

It is a wonderful gift to be able to work in a family business, where the sense of togetherness is so large. That a grandfather can work with his grandchildren, a sister with her brothers is not to be taken for granted and we are truly thankful for it! Particularly our role-model – father and grandfather Alois! Who with his 90 years still has so much passion and joie de vivre in him and manages to inspire the next generation with ease.

Alois shows us every day that hard work, modesty and a positive attitude to life pay off even in old age. With his visions and forward-looking ideas, he has shaped “das Alois”. We are always amazed and proud of you, of us – we are the A-Team originals with our hearts in the right place.


Welcome to "das Alois"Welcome to "das Alois"
„das Alois“ makes you adventurous
Adventure in the breath-taking mountains

In this hotel you are more than welcome
We combine charm and character with warmth and a sense of well-being

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